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470 Studies found from all possible combinations of your search terms. Select a protocol that you wish to review.
Protocol Number Title Protocol Status Min-Max Age Institute Keywords
002090-CComboMATCH Treatment Trial N5: Randomized Trial of Neratinib, a Pan-ErbB Inhibitor alone or in combination with Palbociclib, a CDK4/6 Inhibitor, in Patients with HER2+ Gynecologic Cancers and other Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
002060-CComboMATCH Treatment Trial E5: A Randomized Phase II Study of AMG 510 (Sotorasib) With or Without Panitumumab in Advanced Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
002059-CA ComboMATCH Treatment Trial EAY191-N2: Phase 2 Trial Of Fulvestrant And Binimetinib In Patients With Hormone Receptor-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer With Inactivating or Inferred Inactivating NF1 AlterationsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
002057-CA ComboMATCH Treatment Trial: Palbociclib And Binimetinib In Ras-Mutant CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
002056-CPhase 1/1B Study of DS-8201a in Combination with ATR Inhibition (AZD6738) in Advanced Solid Tumors with HER2 Expression (DASH Trial)Recruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
002041-CPhase 2 Trial of the Combination of the BET inhibitor, ZEN003694 (ZEN-3694), and the PARP Inhibitor Talazoparib, in Patients with Molecularly-Selected Solid Tumors (ComBET)Recruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
002029-CA Phase 2 Study of Venetoclax in Relapsed Classic or Variant Hairy Cell LeukemiaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001961-CA Molecularly Driven Phase 1b Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of the DNA-PK Inhibitor Peposertib (M3814) in Combination with the ATR Inhibitor M1774Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001951-CNatural History Study of Kaposi SarcomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001948-CEvaluation of Efficacy & Immune-Related Adverse Events and Patient-Reported Symptoms Associated with Immunotherapies: MD Anderson Cancer Center Efforts for Advanced Mechanistic, Clinical and Translational ScienceRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001924-CA Phase 1, Open-Label, Dose Escalation Study of the Safety and Tolerability of ANK-101 in Advanced Solid TumorsRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001920-CA ComboMATCH Treatment Trial: FOLFOX In Combination With Binimetinib As 2nd Line Therapy For Patients With Advanced Biliary Tract Cancers With MAPK Pathway AlterationsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001886-CA Phase 1 Study of APG-1252 (Pelcitoclax) and Cobimetinib in Recurrent Ovarian and Endometrial CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001870-CA Phase II Study of Adjuvant Immunotherapy Targeting KRAS G12D, KRAS G12V, or TP53 R175H for Participants with Advanced Gastrointestinal MalignanciesRecruitment has not started18-72 YearsNCI
001859-CA Phase I Hypofractionation Trial of Re-irradiation in Good Prognosis Recurrent GlioblastomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001837-CA Phase I Study to Establish the Feasibility of Enolen(TM) for the Local Delivery of Enzalutamide in Patients with Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled21-120 YearsNCI
001827-CPhase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Label Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety Of the Lifileucel (LN-144), Autologous Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes [TIL]) Regimen in Combination with Pembrolizumab Compared with Pembrolizumab Monotherapy in ParticiParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-70 YearsNCI
001826-CA Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of a Physiologic Biomarker to Assess Pain and Other Sensory Problems using Pupillometry in Participants with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)Recruitment has not started1-120 YearsNCI
001805-CLong-Term Follow Up for Subjects Treated with Gene Therapy Cell Products at Rutgers Cancer InstituteRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001784-CPhase 1/2 Study of Donor-Derived Anti-CD33 Chimeric Antigen Receptor Expressing T Cells (VCAR33) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell TransplantationParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001783-CAn Open-label, multicenter Phase 2 Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of CRG-022, a CD22-directed Autologous Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Therapy in participants with Relapsed/Refractory Large B-Cell Lymphoma (FIRCE-1)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
001778-CA Randomized, Open Label, Two-Arm, Multicenter Phase 2 Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of PRGN-2009 in Combination with Pembrolizumab Versus Pembrolizumab Monotherapy in Patients with Recurrent or Metastatic Cervical CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001776-CA Phase 1 Dose Escalation and Expansion Study of GIGA-564, a Minimally Blocking Anti-CTLA-4 Monoclonal Antibody, in Participants with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumor MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001771-CEAY191-S3, Phase II Study of Paclitaxel (NSC #673089) + Ipatasertib (NSC #781451) in Taxane-Refractory Participants With AKT-Altered Advanced Non-Breast Solid Tumors (A ComboMATCH Treatment Trial)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
001770-CMolecular Analysis for Combination Therapy Choice (ComboMATCH) EAY191-N4: A Randomized Trial of Selumetinib and Olaparib or Selumetinib Alone in Patients With Recurrent or Persistent RAS Pathway Mutant Ovarian and Endometrial CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001756-CA Phase 1 Study of Peposertib (M3814) and Low-Dose Liposomal Doxorubicin in Patients with Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma and Other Soft Tissue SarcomasParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001750-CA Prospective Study of MRI-Derived Quantitative Risk Maps for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Using Targeted BiopsyRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001749-CComboMATCH Treatment Trial E4: Nilotinib and Paclitaxel in Patients with Prior Taxane-Treated Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001733-CA Phase 1 Clinical Trial of CA-4948 in Combination with Gemcitabine and Nab-Paclitaxel in Metastatic or Unresectable Pancreatic Ductal CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
001732-CA Phase 1 Study of the Polymerase Theta (POL-Theta) Inhibitor Novobiocin in BRCA-mutant and Other DNA Damage Repair-Deficient Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001731-C18F-Fibroblast Activation Protein Inhibitor ([18F]FAPI-74) PET Imaging for Cancer DetectionParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001730-CPhase II Trial of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) Alone or in Combination with Immunotherapy Vaccine PRGN-2009 in Subjects with Newly Diagnosed HPV-Associated Oropharyngeal (Head and Neck) CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001718-CHybrid Intelligence for Trustable Diagnosis and Patient Management of Prostate Cancer (HIT-PIRADS)Recruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001715-CA Phase 2 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Belzutifan (MK-6482, formerly PT2977) Monotherapy in Participants with Advanced Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma (PPGL) or Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor (pNET), von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) Disease-AssociParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
001713-CA Phase II Trial of Surface Electrical Stimulation for Urinary Incontinence in Men Treated for Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001711-CPhase I/II Trial of Systemic Targeted Radioligand Therapy (TRT) with Somatostatin-Receptors (SSTR)-Agonist [212Pb]VMT-alpha-NET in Metastatic or Inoperable SSTR Positive (SSTR+) Gastrointestinal (GI) Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) and Pheochromocytoma/ParagClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended18-120 YearsNCI
001709-CPhase I Trial of [212Pb]VMT-Alpha-NET in Metastatic or Inoperable Somatostatin-Receptor Positive Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors, Pheochromocytoma/Paragangliomas, Small Cell Lung, Renal Cell, and Head and Neck CancersRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001704-CRandomized Phase 2 Study of Cabozantinib, Ipilimumab, and Nivolumab in Patients with Soft Tissue SarcomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
001696-CSurveillance for Malignant Transformation of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Related Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors (PNST)Participants currently recruited/enrolled3-120 YearsNCI
001691-CA Phase II Study Evaluating an Organ Preservation Strategy Using Immune Checkpoint Blockade for Participants with Primary Colorectal or Gastroesophageal CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001665-CMolecular Analysis for Combination Therapy Choice (ComboMATCH)Participants currently recruited/enrolled2-120 YearsNCI
001662-CA Phase Ib Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Administration of Autologous T-cells Genetically Engineered to Express Receptors Reactive Against KRAS Mutations in Conjunction with a Vaccine Directed Against these Antigens in Participants with Metastatic CanceParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-72 YearsNCI
001657-CPhase 1 Umbrella Trial of Erlotinib In Combination with Select Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors In Adult Patients with Advanced Solid TumorsRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001620-CPilot Prospective Study for PET-CT Imaging in Participants with Relapsed/Refractory Acute LeukemiasParticipants currently recruited/enrolled5-39 YearsNCI
001609-CPhase I/II Study of Neoadjuvant Inhaled Azacytidine with Platinum-Based Chemotherapy and Durvalumab (MEDI4736) - a Combined Epigenetic-Immunotherapy (AZA-AEGEAN) Regimen for Operable Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)Recruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001605-CPhase II Study of Alrizomadlin (APG-115) in Subjects with BAP1 Cancer Syndrome and Early-Stage MesotheliomaRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001601-CA UGT1A1 Genotype-Directed Study of Belinostat Pharmacokinetics and ToxicityParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001600-CPhase 2 Study Evaluating the Functional Status of the Adrenal Glands with [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor in Hyperaldosteronism and HypercortisolismParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001599-CPhase I/II Trial of Anti-CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Immunotherapy for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001591-CPilot Study of CBX-12 Pharmacodynamics in Patients with Advanced Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
001590-CRapid Analysis and Response Evaluation of Combination Anti-neoplastic Agents in Rare Tumors (RARE CANCER) Trial: RARE 3 Tiragolumab + AtezolizumabParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
001589-CA Phase II Study of Immunotherapies (Tiragolumab and Atezolizumab) in Combination with Stereotactic Body Radiation Radiotherapy in Microsatellite Stable (MSS) Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)Recruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001587-CA Phase I Dose-escalation Study of Preoperative Radiation Therapy in Participants with Resectable Recurrent Abdominal Adrenocortical CarcinomaRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001578-CA Phase 1/2 Study of Tiragolumab (NSC# 827799, IND# 161266) and Atezolizumab (NSC# 783608, IND# 161266) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory SMARCB1 or SMARCA4 Deficient TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled3-100 YearsNCI
001572-CA Phase II Study of Bevacizumab in Adults with Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001569-CA Phase I Study to Investigate the Safety of the Ubiquitin Activating Enzyme Inhibitor TAK-243 in Adult Solid Tumor and Lymphoma PatientsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
001567-CObservational Study of Rates of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis in Men of African Ancestry Using MRI and MRI Guided BiopsyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing35-120 YearsNCI
001564-CA Phase II Sequential Window of Opportunity Trial of Pembrolizumab + N-803 alone or in Combination with PD-L1 t-haNK Cells for Resectable Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001563-CPhase I/II Study of the Combination Immunotherapy Regimen: SX-682, TriAdeno Vaccine, Retifanlimab and IL-15 Agonist N-803 (STAR15) for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001559-CA Feasibility Multicenter Phase I Study of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring-Based Atezolizumab DosingParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001557-CPembrolizumab, Lenvatinib and IL-15 Superagonist N-803 in Combination With HER2 Targeting Autologous Dendritic Cell (AdHER2DC) Vaccine in Participants With Advanced or Metastatic Endometrial CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001556-CPhase II Trial of Enzalutamide and M9241 in PET Positive Recurrent Prostate Cancer (pprPC) without Testosterone Lowering TherapyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001554-CPhase I/II Trial of Pacritinib, a Kinase Inhibitor of CSF1R, IRAK1, JAK2, and FLT3, in Adults and Pediatric Participants 12 Years of Age or Older with Myelodysplastic Syndromes or Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative NeoplasmsRecruitment has not started12-120 YearsNCI
001552-CPhase II Study of Enasidenib in IDH2-mutated Malignant Sinonasal and Skull Base TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001549-CPhase II Evaluation of Decitabine/Cedazuridine (INQOVI), an Oral DNA Demethylating Agent in Subjects with BAP1 Cancer Predisposition Syndrome and Subclinical, Early-Stage MesotheliomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001548-CA Phase I/II Study of CDX-1140, a CD40 Agonist, in Combination with Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin (CAPOX) and Keytruda in Subjects with Biliary Tract Carcinoma (BTC)Participants currently recruited/enrolled0-120 YearsNCI
001547-CA First-in-Human Phase I Trial with Antibody Drug Conjugate ADCT-701 in Neuroendocrine Tumors and CarcinomasParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001545-CA Phase Ib/II Multicenter Study of Front Line Pembrolizumab and Valemetostat in PD-L1 Positive, HPV-Negative Recurrent/Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of the Head and Neck: The PANTHERASRecruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001542-CPhase Ib Study of Imatinib to Increase RUNX1 Activity in Participants with Germline RUNX1 DeficiencyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001541-CA Phase I/II Trial of Eltanexor (KPT-8602) with Inqovi (Decitabine-Cedazuridine) in High-Risk Myelodysplastic SyndromesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001538-CA Phase II Study of Daratumumab for Relapsed/Refractory Primary Effusion Lymphoma and Multicentric Castleman DiseaseParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001537-CPhase II Study of Pacritinib in Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV)-Associated Multicentric Castleman Disease and KSHV-Associated Inflammatory Cytokine Syndrome (KICS)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001536-CPhase II Trial of Immunotherapeutic HPV Vaccine PRGN-2009 with Pembrolizumab before Standard Treatment in Subjects with Newly Diagnosed HPV-Associated Oropharyngeal CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001535-CA Phase II Study of Sacituzumab Govitecan with or without Atezolizumab Immunotherapy in Rare Genitourinary Tumors (SMART) such as Small Cell, Adenocarcinoma, and Squamous Cell Bladder/Urinary Tract Cancer, Renal Medullary Carcinoma and Penile CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001534-CPhase I/II Trial of PLX038 in Primary Central Nervous System Tumors containing MYC or MYCN AmplificationsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001533-CA Phase II Multicenter Study of Enfortumab Vedotin with or without Pembrolizumab in Rare Genitourinary Tumors (E-VIRTUE)Recruitment has not started18-120 YearsNCI
001531-CA Phase II Study of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with JSP191-Based Conditioning in Participants with GATA2 DeficiencyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled6-70 YearsNCI
001525-CA Phase II Trial Evaluating 18F-Fluciclovine PET/CT in Multiple MyelomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001524-CA Phase I Trial of Anti-CD19 and Anti-CD20 Bicistronic Chimeric Antigen Receptor T- Cells for Treating B-cell MalignanciesNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-75 YearsNCI
001523-CA Phase II Study of Lurbinectedin with or without Avelumab in Small Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder (LASER)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001516-CPhase I Study of Aerosolized Antibiotics and Pembrolizumab in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001109-CDefining the Natural History of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Fanconi AnemiaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled8-125 YearsNCI
001099-CA Phase 1/2, First-in-Human, Open-Label, Dose Escalation and Expansion Study of STAR0602, a Selective T Cell Receptor (TCR)-Targeting, Bifunctional Antibody-Fusion Molecule, in Subjects with Unresectable, Locally Advanced, or Metastatic Solid Tumors thatParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
001092-CExploring the Role of Palliative Care in Phase 1 Enrolled Pediatric Oncology PatientsEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
001056-CLongitudinal Early Advance Care Planning Discussions and Documentation (LEADD) Program: An Exploratory Study in Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) Receiving Hematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
001004-CA Phase 1b/2 Basket Study of ACR-368 as Monotherapy and in Combination with Gemcitabine in Adult Subjects with Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Carcinoma, Endometrial Adenocarcinoma, and Urothelial Carcinoma Based on Acrivon Oncosignature(R) StatusParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000975-CCollection of Blood, Bone Marrow, Skin, Saliva, and Stool Samples from Healthy Volunteers Used for Comparative Analysis of Myeloid MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000958-CProspective Procurement of Tumor Tissue to Identify Novel Therapeutic Targets and Study the Tumor MicroenvironmentEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
000954-CA Phase 1/2 Single Arm Open-Label Clinical Trial of TC-510 In Patients with Advanced Mesothelin-Expressing CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-120 YearsNCI
000930-CA Phase 1b/2 Study of HCW9218, a Bifunctional TGF-beta Antagonist/IL-15 Protein Complex, for Advanced Pancreatic CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
000860-CA Phase I/II Study of Zotiraciclib for Recurrent Malignant Gliomas with Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 or 2 (IDH1 or IDH2) MutationsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled15-125 YearsNCI
000792-CA Pilot Trial to Evaluate Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Testing and Monitoring of B-Cell Recovery to Guide Management Following CAR T-cell Induced Remission in Pediatric Patients with B Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled1-25 YearsNCI
000732-CA Long-Term Follow-Up Study of Patients Who Received VOR33 and/or VCAR33Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000731-CA First-In-Human, Open-Label, Multicenter Study of VOR33 in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia who are at High-Risk for Leukemia Relapse following Hematopoietic Cell TransplantationParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-70 YearsNCI
000726-CA Randomized Phase 2 Study of Atezolizumab with or without Selinexor in Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (AXIOM)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000696-CA Phase III, Multicenter, International Study with a Parallel, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, 2 Arm Design to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Selumetinib in Adult Participants with NF1 who have Symptomatic, Inoperable Plexiform NeurofibrNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-120 YearsNCI
000692-CRapid Analysis and Response Evaluation of Combination Anti-Neoplastic Agents in Rare Tumors (RARE CANCER) Trial: RARE 2 Talazoparib and TemozolomideParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-125 YearsNCI
000678-CRare Tumors and Cancer Predisposition in Individuals and FamiliesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
000666-CA Phase I/II Study of Palbociclib and Sasanlimab for the Treatment of Advanced Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (ccRCC) or Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma (pRCC)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
000661-CComprehensive Molecular and Clinical Evaluation of Pediatric and Adult MDSParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-120 YearsNCI
000657-CAcceptance and Commitment Therapy for Caregivers of Children with a RASopathy: An Internal Pilot Feasibility Study and Follow-up Phase III Randomized Controlled TrialParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000643-CPhase I/II Study of Pacritinib, A JAK2/IRAK1/CSF1R Inhibitor, in Refractory Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease (cGVHD) After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000633-CPhase 1/2 Study of VIP152, Venetoclax, and Prednisone (VVIP) in Relapsed/Refractory Lymphoid MalignanciesNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
000631-CInvestigation of the Cognitive Aftereffects of Neurotoxicity in Children and Young Adults with Relapsed/Refractory Hematologic Malignancies who Receive CAR T-cell TherapyClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended5-125 YearsNCI
000628-CA Study of Prospective Monitoring of Subjects with Biochemically Recurrent Prostate Cancer Using 18F-DCFPyLParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000613-CPhase I/II Trial to Determine the Lowest Effective Dose of Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide in Combination with Sirolimus and Mycophenolate Mofetil as Graft-Versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis after Reduced Intensity Conditioning and Peripheral Blood StParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-125 YearsNCI
000611-CA Phase II Trial of Focal Ultrahypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of Unifocal Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000596-CPhase II Study of Olaparib in Subjects with Advanced Pancreatic Acinar Cell CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000580-CA Phase 1/2, Open Label Dose-Escalation and Expansion Trial of Nkt2152, an Orally Administered Hif2(alpha) Inhibitor, to Investigate Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Clinical Activity in Patients with Advanced Clear Cell Renal Cell CarcinomCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
000569-CClinical Study of Bioactivity of Low Dose Apalutamide in Prostate Cancer Patients Scheduled for ProstatectomyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
000520-CPhase I/II Evaluation of a Cancer Lysate Vaccine and Montanide(R) ISA-51 VG with or without the IL-15 Super-Agonist N-803 as Adjuvant Therapy for PD-L1 Negative Non-Small Cell Lung CancerClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended18-125 YearsNCI
000516-CPhase 1 Study of Venetoclax, Ibrutinib, Prednisone, Obinutuzumab, and Revlimid (VIPOR) for Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma involving the Central Nervous SystemNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
000509-CAn Open Label, Multi-Center Roll-Over Study to Assess Long-Term Safety in Patients Who are Ongoing or Have Completed a Prior Global Novartis or GSK Sponsored Tafinlar (Dabrafenib) and/or Mekinist (Trametinib) Study and are Judged by the Investigator to BEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
000491-CTissue Procurement and Natural History Study of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NENs) Including Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000489-CPhase I/II Study Using Prophylactic Donor Lymphocyte Infusion Early Post-Transplant After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Using Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide for High-Risk Hematologic MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
000484-CRandomized Phase II Trial of Durvalumab (D) plus Olaparib (O) and Cediranib (C: DOC) Compared to OC or DC or Chemotherapy in Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Cancer with Prior BevacizumabNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
000481-CPhase II Trial of 18F-DCFPyL Imaging as a Method to Assess Treatment Response to Stereotactic Body Radiation TherapyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000478-CA Phase I/II Trial of Allogeneic Reduced-Intensity, HLA-Haploidentical Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Followed by GVHD Prophylaxis with Cyclophosphamide, Bortezomib and Maraviroc for Hematologic Malignancies in People Living with HIV (PLWHParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
000475-CPhase 2 Study of Rogaratinib (BAY 1163877) in the Treatment of Patients with Sarcoma Harboring Alterations in Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) 1-4 and SDH-deficient Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
000473-CA Randomized Phase II Study of Systemic Chemotherapy with or without HAI FUDR-Dexamethasone in Patients with Unresectable Intrahepatic CholangiocarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000462-CPhase 2, Open-label, Single-arm, Window of Opportunity Study of ASP-1929 Photoimmunotherapy with Fluorescence Imaging in Patients With Operable Primary or Recurrent Head and Neck or Cutaneous Squamous Cell CarcinomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
000423-CFeasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Sleep Disturbances in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD): A Pilot Randomized Controlled TrialParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-55 YearsNCI
000404-CA Phase II Study of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Subjects with VEXAS (Vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, Autoinflammatory, Somatic) SyndromeParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-75 YearsNCI
000359-CPhase I/II study to reduce post-transplantation cyclophosphamide dosing for older or unfit patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation for hematologic malignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-85 YearsNCI
000356-CA Phase I/II Trial of BMS-986253 in Myelodysplastic SyndromesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
000354-CPhase II Trial of Combination Anti-PD-1 and Aldesleukin for Metastatic Melanoma and Renal Cell CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000337-CNatural History Study of KSHV-Associated Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000328-CBicalutamide Implants (Biolen ) with Radiation Therapy in Patients with Localized Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000324-CPhase 1/2 Dose Escalation Study of CD19/CD22 Bicistronic Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cells in Children and Young Adults with Recurrent or Refractory CD19/CD22-expressing B Cell MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled3-39 YearsNCI
000317-CA Phase II, Open-Label Trial of PT-112 in Subjects with Thymoma and Thymic CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000307-CPhase II Study Evaluating the Efficacy of PDS01ADC in Combination with Hepatic Artery Infusion Pump (HAIP) and Systemic Therapy for Subjects with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma, or Metastatic Adrenocortical CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000305-CExploratory Phase II Study of LAnreotide in Unresectable or Metastatic Pheochromocytoma / PARAgangliomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
000303-CA Prospective, Multi-Institutional Phase II Trial Evaluating Temozolomide Vs. Temozolomide and Olaparib For Advanced Pheochromocytoma And ParagangliomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000302-CA Multi-Center Natural History of Urothelial Cancer and Rare Genitourinary Tract MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000293-CManaging Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) Therapy in Individuals Diagnosed with a Primary Central Nervous System TumorCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
000277-CImaging and Biopsy of People with HIV-1 Undergoing Analytic Treatment InterruptionParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
000274-CPhase I Trial of Pomalidomide and Dose-Adjusted EPOCH +/- Rituximab for HIV-Associated LymphomasParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000264-CA Pharmacodynamics-Driven Trial of Talazoparib, an Oral PARP Inhibitor, in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors and Aberrations in Genes Involved in DNA Damage ResponseParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000254-CA Phase II Trial of the Superenhancer Inhibitor Minnelide in Advanced Refractory Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Pancreas (ASCP)No longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
000251-CThe Effect of Diet and Exercise on ImmuNotherapy and the Microbiome (EDEN)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000237-CPhase II Study of Intravenous and Intraperitoneal Paclitaxel and Oral Nilotinib for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Colorectal, Appendiceal, Small Bowel, Gastric, Cholangiocarcinoma, Breast, Ovarian, or Other Gynecologic Primary CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
000194-CA Phase I Trial of ProAgio, an anti- alpha-v-beta3 Integrin Cytotoxin, for Previously Treated Advanced Pancreatic Cancer and Other Solid Tumor MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000178-CHyperspectral Analysis of Sweat Metabolite Biometrics for Real-Time Detection of COVID-19Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000176-CA Phase I/II Trial of Lurbinectedin with Berzosertib, an ATR Kinase Inhibitor in Small Cell Cancers and High Grade Neuroendocrine CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000144-CA Phase I/II Study of Sacituzumab Govitecan plus Berzosertib in Small Cell Lung Cancer, Extra-Pulmonary Small Cell Neuroendocrine Cancer and Homologous Recombination-Deficient Cancers Resistant to PARP InhibitorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000115-CA Trial of the Safety and Immunogenicity of the COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) in Participants With Hematologic Malignancies and Various Regimens of Immunosuppression, and in Participants With Solid Tumors on PD1/PDL1 Inhibitor Therapy, Including Booster DCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
000114-CA Phase II Study Evaluating T-Cell Clonality After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Alone and in Combination with the Immunocytokine M9241 in Localized High and Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Androgen Deprivation TherapyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000103-CA Randomized Study Investigating the Pharmacokinetics of Standard Interval Dosing Compared to Extended Interval Dosing of Nivolumab or Pembrolizumab in Locally Advanced or Metastatic CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000096-CA Phase II study of Immunotherapy Combination: Irradiated PD-L1 CAR-NK cells plus Pembrolizumab plus N-803 for Subjects with Recurrent/Metastatic Gastric or Head and Neck CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000092-CPhase 1/2 study of Vincristine and Temozolomide in Combination with PEN-866 for Adolescents and Young Adults with Relapsed or Refractory Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-39 YearsNCI
000085-CAssessing Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Primary Brain Tumors Patients: An Observational StudyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-99 YearsNCI
000081-CA Phase 2 Study of Anti-PD-L1 Antibody (Atezolizumab) in Chondrosarcoma and Clear Cell SarcomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-125 YearsNCI
000080-C18F-DCFPyL PET/CT in Hepatocellular CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000067-CUnderstanding the Patient Experience: Symptom Burden in Pediatric Patients Receiving Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell TherapyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-125 YearsNCI
000048-CA Multi-Center Natural History Study of Precision-Based Genomics in Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
000045-CA Phase I Trial of T Cell Receptor Gene Therapy Targeting KK-LC-1 for Gastric, Breast, Cervical, Lung and other KK-LC-1 Positive Epithelial CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
000030-CPhase 2 Study of Bintrafusp alfa in Recurrent/Metastatic Olfactory Neuroblastoma (BARON)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
22-C-0005Phase I Dose Escalation and Expansion Study of Tazemetostat in Combination with Topotecan and Pembrolizumab in Recurrent Small Cell Lung CancerClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended18-125 YearsNCI
22-C-0004A Phase II Study of Bevacizumab, Erlotinib and Atezolizumab in Subjects with Advanced Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer (HLRCC) Associated or Sporadic Papillary Renal Cell CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
22-C-0003Feasibility of Evaluating Abemaciclib Neuropharmacokinetics of Diffuse Midline Glioma Using Intratumoral MicrodialysisParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-39 YearsNCI
21-C-0032GD2-CAR PERSIST: Production and Engineering of GD2-Targeted, Receptor Modified T Cells (GD2CART) for Osteosarcoma or Neuroblastoma to Increase Systemic Tumor ExposureClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended0-40 YearsNCI
21-C-0030Phase I Study of GPC3 Targeted CAR-T Cell Therapy in Advanced GPC3 Expressing Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
21-C-0026A Phase I/II Study of Abemaciclib in Patients with HIV-associated and HIV-negative Kaposi SarcomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0024A Phase 2 Adaptive Study of Subcutaneous Daratumumab, Once Weekly Carfilzomib, and Dexamethasone (DKd) in Patients with High-Risk Smoldering Multiple MyelomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0023A Phase I Study of Pomalidomide and Nivolumab in Patients with Virus-Associated Malignancies with or without HIVParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-99 YearsNCI
21-C-0022A Phase 2 Single Arm Open-Label Clinical Trial of ADP-A2M4 SPEAR(TM) T Cells in Subjects with Advanced Synovial Sarcoma or Myxoid/Round Cell LiposarcomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only10-75 YearsNCI
21-C-0021SARC037: A Phase I Study to Evaluate the Safety of Trabectedin Administered as a 1-Hour Infusion in Ewing Sarcoma Patients in Combination with Low Dose Irinotecan and 3'Deoxy-3'-18F Fluorothymidine (18F-FLT) ImagingNo longer recruiting/follow-up only6-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0019Phase I Study of Anti-CD22 Chimeric Receptor T Cells in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Hairy Cell Leukemia and VariantParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0017Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Guided High Energy Ultrasound for Focal Prostate Cancer AblationParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0015Phase II Trial Evaluating the Association of Peripheral Blood Immunologic Response to Therapeutic Response to Adjuvant Treatment with Immune Checkpoint Inhibition (ICI) in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma or GliosarcomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0014Phase 1 Study of Venetoclax, Ibrutinib, Prednisone, Obinutuzumab, and Revlimid in Combination with Polatuzumab (ViPOR-P) in Relapsed/Refractory B-cell LymphomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
21-C-0013A Phase I/II Study of Adjuvant PRGN-2012 in Adult Patients with Recurrent Respiratory PapillomatosisNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-120 YearsNCI
21-C-0012Individualized Response Assessment to Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) for the Treatment of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Ovarian, Colorectal, Appendiceal, or Peritoneal Mesothelioma HistologiesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0011A Phase 0/I/II Study of the Cyclin-Dependent Kinase(CDK)4/6 Inhibitor Abemaciclib for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Related Atypical NeurofibromasParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0009A Natural History Study of Children and Adults with Olfactory NeuroblastomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled3-120 YearsNCI
21-C-0007A Phase I/II Study of Combination Immunotherapy for Advanced Cancers Including HPV-Associated Malignancies, Small Bowel, and Colon CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
21-C-0006Phase II Study Evaluating Efficacy of Tivozanib (AV-951) in Biliary Tract CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
21-C-0001A Phase I/II Study of M9241 with Docetaxel and Abiraterone in Adults with Metastatic Castration Sensitive and M9241 with Docetaxel in Castration Resistant Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0167Close Assessment and Testing for Chronic Graft-vs-Host Disease (CATCH Study)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0164Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Prostate to Assess Disease Progression and Genomics in Patients Undergoing Active Surveillance for Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0162A Phase 1 Study of Venetoclax with Obinutuzumab and Magrolimab (VENOM) in Relapsed and Refractory Indolent B-cell MalignanciesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0161Prospective Study of Surgery in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs) for Treatment, Tumor Modeling, and Genomic AnalysisParticipants currently recruited/enrolled6-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0155Phase I/II Trial Investigating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, Immune and Clinical Activity of SX-682 in Combination with BinTrafusp Alfa (M7824 or TGF-beta "Trap"/PD-L1) with CV301 TRICOM in Advanced Solid Tumors (STAT)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0154Pilot Study of DS-8201a Pharmacodynamics in Patients with HER2-expressing Advanced Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0150Phase II Randomized Trial of Bethesda Protocol Compared to Cambridge Method for Detection of Early Stage Gastric Cancer in CDH1 Mutation CarriersCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0149Phase II Trial of Olaparib (LYNPARZA) plus Durvalumab (IMFINZI) in EGFR-Mutated Adenocarcinomas that Transform to Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) and Other Neuroendocrine TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0142A Phase II Study of Bintrafusp alfa (M7824) in Checkpoint Inhibitor Naive and Refractory Subjects with Urothelial CarcinomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0138Phase II Trial of Combination Immunotherapy in Subjects with Advanced Small Bowel and Colorectal CancersCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0130A Feasibility Study Investigating the Use of Machine Learning to Analyze Facial Imaging, Voice and Spoken Language for the Capture and Classification of Cancer/Tumor PainCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing12-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0127A Phase 1 Study of Romidepsin, CC-486 (5-azacitidine), dexamethasone, and lenalidomide (RAdR) for relapsed/refractory T-cell malignanciesNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0121Rapid Analysis and Response Evaluation of Combination Anti-Neoplastic Agents in Rare Tumors (RARE CANCER) Trial: RARE 1 Nilotinib and PaclitaxelParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0107Clinical, Genetic, and Epidemiologic Study of Children and Adults with RASopathiesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0106Prospective Evaluation of High Resolution Dual Energy Computed Tomographic Imaging, Noninvasive (Liquid) Biopsies, and Minimally Invasive Surgical Surveillance for Early Detection of Mesotheliomas in Patients with BAP1 Tumor Predisposition SyndromeParticipants currently recruited/enrolled30-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0104Phase I/II Trial of HPV Vaccine PRGN-2009 Alone or in Combination with Anti-PD-L1/TGF-Beta Trap (M7824) in Subjects with HPV Positive CancersNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0103Investigation of the B- and T-cell Repertoire and Immune Response in Patients with Acute and Resolved COVID-19 InfectionNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0097A Phase II, Open-Label Trial of Bintrafusp Alfa (M7824) in Subjects with Thymoma and Thymic CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0076Phase 2 Trial of Encorafenib plus Binimetinib for Patients with BRAF V600 Mutated Relapsed/Refractory HCLParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0075Phase 2 Trial for Binimetinib for Patients with Relapsed/Refractory BRAF Wild Type Hairy Cell Leukemia and VariantParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0070A Phase II Study of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Patients with Inborn Errors of ImmunityParticipants currently recruited/enrolled4-69 YearsNCI
20-C-0069A First-In-Human Phase I Single-Agent Dose-Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of Oral ONC206 in Recurrent and Rare Primary Central Nervous System NeoplasmsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0065A Phase II Feasibility Trial Using Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) at the Time of Clinical Evaluation to Improve Psychological Distress and Anxiety in Primary Brain Tumor (PBT) PatientsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0062A phase 1b Study of Nivolumab in Patients with Autoimmune Disorders and Advanced Malignancies (AIM-NIVO)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0061Phase I/II study of PDS01ADC Monotherapy and in Combination with M7824 in Advanced Kaposi SarcomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0058A Study of Front Line Ibrutinib without Corticosteroids for Newly Diagnosed Chronic Graft-versus-Host DiseaseCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0051Gene Therapy Follow up Protocol for Subjects Previously Enrolled in NCI Center for Immuno-Oncology StudiesEnrolling by Invitation18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0045Phase I/II Trial of Combination Immunotherapy in Subjects with Advanced HPV Associated MalignanciesNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0041Protocol for a Research Database for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation, Other Cellular Therapies and Marrow Toxic InjuriesEnrolling by Invitation1-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0028Phase 1/2 Study of Anti-CD33 Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Expressing T Cells (CD33CART) in Children and Young Adults with Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid LeukemiaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled3-35 YearsNCI
20-C-0027A Phase I Clinical Trial of Selinexor (KPT-330) in Combination with Temozolomide and Radiation Therapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed GlioblastomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0024A Sequential Window of Opportunity Trial of Anti-PD-L1/TGF-beta trap (M7824 ) Alone and in Combination with TriAd Vaccine, and N-803 for Resectable Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma not Associated with Human Papillomavirus Infection.Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0023First-in-Human Phase I Trial to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, Biological and Clinical Activity of Metarrestin (ML-246) in Subjects with Metastatic Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0022Phase II trial of VB-111 in Combination with Nivolumab in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0020Ex-Vivo Trial of En-bloc Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (En-bloc TURBT) Specimens Using a Redesigned Surgical Resectoscope DeviceParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0013Phase I/II Trial of PLX038 (PEGylated SN38) and Rucaparib in Solid Tumors and Small Cell CancersNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0012A Phase I Study of Bintrafusp alfa (M7824) and PDS01ADC Alone and in Combination with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) in Adults with Metastatic Non-Prostate Genitourinary MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0010Phase II Trial of Radium-223 in Biochemically Recurrent Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
20-C-0009Randomized Phase II Trial of Topotecan Plus M6620 (VX-970) vs. Topotecan Alone in Patients with Relapsed Small-Cell Lung CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
20-C-0006A National Translational Science Network of Precision-based Immunotherapy for Primary Liver Cancer (PLC)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0142Identifying Predictors of Poor Health-Related Quality-of-Life Among Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell DonorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing5-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0138Phase I/II Study of Lu-177-DOTATATE (Lutathera) in Combination with Olaparib in Inoperable Gastroenteropancreatico Neuroendocrine Tumors (GEP-NET)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
19-C-0137A Phase II Study of Ipilimumab, Cabozantinib, and NIvolumab in Rare Genitourinary Cancers (ICONIC)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0136A Phase 2, Randomized, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of KD025 in Subjects with Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease (CGVHD) After at Least 2 Prior Lines of Systemic TherapyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0135Evaluation of the Natural History and Management of Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) Associated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0131Development and Psychometric Testing of a Pediatric Chronic Graft- Versus-Host Disease (GVHD) Symptom Scale (PCSS)Participants currently recruited/enrolled5-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0129A Phase II Study of Intraperitoneal and Intravenous Paclitaxel Chemotherapy with Oral Capecitabine for Gastric Adenocarcinoma with Peritoneal CarcinomatosisCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0128A Phase I Study of Mesothelin-Targeted Immunotoxin LMB-100 in Combination with Tofacitinib in Persons with Previously Treated Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Cholangiocarcinoma and other Mesothelin Expressing Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0123DURVA PLUS: Evaluation of the Safety and Pharmacodynamics of Anti-PD-L1 Antibody Durvalumab in Combination with Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0117A Phase 1 / 2 Single Arm Open-label Clinical Trial of Gavocabtagene Autoleucel (gavo-cel) in Patients with Advanced Mesothelin Expressing CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-120 YearsNCI
19-C-0116A Phase 2 Study of Acalabrutinib with DA-EPOCH-R or R-CHOP for Patients with Untreated Diffuse Large B-cell LymphomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0112Phase I/II Study De-intensifying Exposure of Post-transplantation Cyclophosphamide as GVHD Prophylaxis after HLA-haploidentical Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Hematologic MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
19-C-0104A Phase II Multi-Institutional Trial to Evaluate Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PMSA)-Based PET Imaging of High Risk Prostate CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0103A Study of Temozolomide, Etoposide, Doxil, Dexamethasone, Ibrutinib, and Rituximab (TEDDI-R) in Aggressive B-cell Lymphomas with Secondary Involvement of the Central Nervous System (CNS)No longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0102A Phase I Clinical Trial of T-cells Expressing an anti-SLAMF7 CAR for Treating Multiple MyelomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-73 YearsNCI
19-C-0096Studying the Biology of Higher-Grade Transformation in IDH-mutant Gliomas via Longitudinal Observation of Tumor Metabolic Reprogramming Using Non-invasive Metabolic ImagingParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
19-C-0094A Phase II Study of Combined Treatment of Durvalumab, Bevacizumab, Tremelimumab and Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) in Subjects with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) or Biliary Tract Carcinoma (BTC)No longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0085Phase II Trial of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Peripheral T cell LymphomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
19-C-0082Natural History Study of Children and Adults with ChordomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0062A Phase II Study of Neoadjuvant Androgen Deprivation Therapy Combined with Enzalutamide and Abiraterone Using Multiparametric MRI and 18F-DCFPyL-PET/CT in Newly Diagnosed Prostate CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0061A Phase 2 Trial of the MEK Inhibitor Selumetinib (AZD6244 Hydrogen Sulfate) in Combination with the mTOR Inhibitor Sirolimus for Patients with Unresectable or Metastatic Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing12-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0049Long Term Follow-up of Mesothelioma Patients and Their Family Members with Germline Mutations in BAP1 and Other GenesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0046Long-Term Follow-up Protocol for Subjects Treated with Gene-Modified T cells.No longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0042A Phase I Study of Moxetumomab Pasudotox-tdfk (Lumoxiti (TM)) and either Rituximab (Rituxan (R)) or Ruxience for Relapsed Hairy Cell LeukemiaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0041Birinapant and Intensity Modulated Re-Irradiation Therapy (IMRRT) for Locoregionally Recurrent Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0040Natural History Study of Men at High Genetic Risk for Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled30-75 YearsNCI
19-C-0033Phase II Study of Nivolumab (anti-PD1), Tadalafil and Oral Vancomycin in Patients with Refractory Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma or Liver Dominant Metastatic Cancer from Colorectal or Pancreatic CancersCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0030A Phase 2 Study of Response-Adapted Therapy with Copanlisib and Rituximab in Untreated Follicular LymphomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0025Tissue Acquisition and Genomics Analysis of Breast Cancer and Other Gynecologic MalignanciesEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0023A Phase II Study of Olaparib (AZD2281) in Patients with Metastatic/Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma and other genitourinary tumors with DNA-Repair DefectsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0017A Phase I/II Study Administering Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Transduced with a Murine T-Cell Receptor Recognizing the G12D Variant of Mutated RAS in HLA-A*11:01 PatientsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-72 YearsNCI
19-C-0016Natural History and Biospecimen Acquisition Study for Children and Adults with Rare Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0010A Phase 1 Trial of MK-3475 Plus Ziv-Aflibercept in Patients with Advanced Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
19-C-0006Phase II Trial Evaluating Nivolumab In Patients With IDH-Mutant Gliomas With And Without Hypermutator PhenotypeParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
18-DC-0051Biospecimen Procurement for the Study of Head and Neck DisordersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled3-120 YearsNCI
18-C-0147Phase 1 with Expansion Cohorts in a Study of NEO-201 In Adults with Chemo-Resistant Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0143A Phase 1 Study of Intraperitoneal MCY-M11 Therapy for Women with Platinum Resistant High Grade Serous Adenocarcinoma of the Ovary, Primary Peritoneum, or Fallopian Tube, or Subjects with Peritoneal Mesothelioma with Recurrence after Prior ChemotherapyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0138An Open-Label Phase 2 Study to Evaluate PT2977 for the Treatment of Von Hippel-Lindau Disease-Associated Renal Cell Carcinoma.No longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0135Phase II Trial of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Disorders of T-cell Proliferation and/or DysregulationNo longer recruiting/follow-up only4-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0125A Phase I Clinical Trial of T cells Expressing a Novel Fully-human Anti-BCMA CAR for Treating Multiple MyelomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-73 YearsNCI
18-C-0122Phase 1B Study of Copanlisib in Combination with Nivolumab or with Nivolumab and IpilimumabCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0110Safety Run-In and Phase II Trial of M7824 and Topotecan or Temozolomide in Relapsed Small Cell CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-99 YearsNCI
18-C-0102Pilot Study of the MEK1/2 Inhibitor Selumetinib (AZD6244 Hydrogen Sulfate) for Adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) and Cutaneous Neurofibromas (cNF)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0093Pilot Study of Medication Adherence in Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) on Clinical Treatment TrialsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing3-59 YearsNCI
18-C-0080Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of an Enhanced Mindfulness Intervention for Children and Young Adults with High Grade or High-Risk Cancer and Their Caregivers: A Pilot Randomized Controlled TrialCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing5-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0078A Phase I/II Study of Immunotherapy Combination BN-Brachyury vaccine, M7824, N-803 and Epacadostat (QuEST1)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
18-C-0062Phase 2 Trial of XL184 (Cabozantinib) an Oral Small-Molecule Inhibitor of Multiple Kinases, in Children and Young Adults with Refractory Sarcomas, Wilms Tumor, and Other Rare TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-30 YearsNCI
18-C-0059Phase 1 Dose Escalation Study of CD19/CD22 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cells in Children and Young Adults with Recurrent or Refractory CD19/CD22-expressing B Cell MalignanciesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing3-39 YearsNCI
18-C-0058A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Effects of Castration on the Pharmacokinetics of Zolpidem After Single Dose Administration in Men with Prostate Cancer Undergoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy Compared to Normal Healthy FemalesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0056Phase II Trial of M7824 in Subjects with HPV Associated MalignanciesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
18-C-0049A Phase II Study Using the Administration of Autologous T-Cells Genetically Engineered to Express T-Cell Receptors Reactive Against Neoantigens in Patients with Metastatic CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-72 YearsNCI
18-C-0033Phase I Study of Recombinant Interleukin 15 in Combination With Checkpoint Inhibitors Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Subjects with Refractory CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
18-C-0028A Phase I Trial of Highly Conformal, Hypofractionated, Focally Dose Escalated Post-Prostatectomy RadiotherapyNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0024A Single-Arm Phase II Study of Hepatic Artery Infusion Pump Chemotherapy with Floxuridine and Dexamethasone in Combination with Systemic Chemotherapy for Patients with Colorectal Cancer Metastatic to the LiverNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0017Profiling of Radiological Factors in Treatment and Outcomes in Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0014Phase I Trial of 5-aza-4'-thio-2'-Deoxycytidine (Aza-TdC) in Patients with Advanced Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
18-C-0008Phase III Randomized Adjuvant study of Pembrolizumab in muScle invaSive and locAlly aDvanced urOthelial caRcinoma (AMBASSADOR) versus ObservationNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
18-C-0005Phase II Trial of Combination Immunotherapy in Biochemically Recurrent Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0174Molecular Characterization of Viral-associated Tumors, Tumors Occurring in the Setting of HIV or Other Immune Disorders and Castleman DiseaseParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0158A Feasibility Study of Mobile Sensor Technologies to Assess General Symptomology of Cancer PatientsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
17-C-0157A Phase I Single-Arm Study of the Combination of Durvalumab (MEDI4736) and Vicineum (oportuzumab monatox, VB4-845) in Subjects with High-Grade Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Previously Treated with Bacillus Calmette-Gu(SqrRoot)(Copyright)rin (BCG)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0156Longitudinal Sample Collection and Tracking for the Developmental Therapeutics Clinic, National Cancer InstituteParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0153Phase I Trial of Image Guided Focally Dose Escalated Prostate SBRT for Locally Recurrent Prostate Cancer after Prior RadiotherapyNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0140Phase I/II Evaluation of Oral Decitabine/Tetrahydrouridine as Epigenetic Priming for Pembrolizumab Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Inoperable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers, Esophageal Carcinomas, or Pleural MesotheliomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-99 YearsNCI
17-C-0137Leukapheresis for CAR or Adoptive Cell Therapy ManufacturingEnrolling by Invitation3-65 YearsNCI
17-C-0127Phase 1b/2 Study of Venetoclax, Ibrutinib, Prednisone, Obinutuzumab, and Revlimid (ViPOR) in Relapsed/Refractory B-cell LymphomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0125Phase 2 Trial of Nivolumab in Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-Positive Lymphoproliferative Disorders and EBV-Positive Non-Hodgkin LymphomasParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0113A Phase I/II Study Administering Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Transduced with a Murine T-Cell Receptor Recognizing the G12V Variant of Mutated RAS in HLA-A*11:01 PatientsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-72 YearsNCI
17-C-010918F-DCFPyL PET/CT in High Risk and Recurrent Prostate CancerEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0105Prospective Study of Clonal Evolution in Follicular LymphomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0102Phase II Trial of the Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Nivolumab in Patients with Recurrent Select Rare CNS CancersNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-99 YearsNCI
17-C-0100Collection of Malignant Ascites, Pleural Fluid and Blood from Patients with Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0092A Phase I/II Study of Pexa-Vec Oncolytic Virus in Combination with Immune Checkpoint Inhibition in Refractory Colorectal CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0089Evaluation of 18F-DCFPyL PSMA- versus 18F-NaF-PET imaging for Detection of Metastatic Prostate CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0087Lu-177-DOTATATE (Lutathera) in Therapy of Inoperable Pheochromocytoma/ ParagangliomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-100 YearsNCI
17-C-0086An Open-label Phase 2 Study to Evaluate PT2385 for the Treatment of Von Hippel-Lindau Disease-Associated Clear Cell Renal Cell CarcinomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0074A Phase 2 Study of Anti-PD-L1 Antibody Atezolizumab in Alveolar Soft Part SarcomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only2-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0070Phase II Trial of Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy and Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer with Positive Peritoneal CytologyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0066A Pilot Study to Investigate the Safety and Clinical Activity of Avelumab (MSB0010718C) in Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma after Progression on Platinum-Based ChemotherapyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0061Phase II Trial of Pembrolizumab in Recurrent or Metastatic Medullary Thyroid CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0048Anti-CD30 CAR T Cells with Fully-human Binding Domains for Treating CD30-expressing Lymphomas Including Anaplastic Large Cell LymphomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-73 YearsNCI
17-C-0045A Phase I Study of Indenoisoquinoline LMP744 in Adults With Relapsed Solid Tumors and LymphomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0044Prospective Evaluation and Molecular Profiling in Patients with Gastric TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0043Hereditary Gastric Cancer Syndromes: An Integrated Genomic and Clinicopathologic Study of the Predisposition to Gastric CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only2-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0037Phase II Trial of LB100, a Protein Phosphatase 2A Inhibitor, in Recurrent GlioblastomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0034A Randomized, Double Blind Phase II Trial of Surgery, Radiation Therapy Plus Temozolomide and Pembrolizumab with and without HSPPC-96 in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GBM)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0028A Pilot Study of Vincristine Sulfate Liposome Injection (Marqibo ) in Combination with Chemotherapy for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with Relapse of Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-21 YearsNCI
17-C-0027Long-Term Follow up of Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantationParticipants currently recruited/enrolled4-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0011Phase 1 Study of Intraperitoneal Infusion of Autologous Monocytes with Sylatron(R) (Peginterferon alfa-2b) and Actimmune(R) (Interferon gamma-1b) in Women with Recurrent or Refractory Ovarian Cancer, Fallopian Tube Cancer or Primary Peritoneal CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0009Phase I Trial of Zotiraciclib (TG02) Plus Dose-Dense or Metronomic Temozolomide (tmz) Followed by Randomized Phase II Trial of Zotiraciclib (TG02) plus Temozolomide versus Temozolomide alone in Adults with Recurrent Anaplastic Astrocytoma and GlioblastomCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
17-C-0007Phase I/II Study of PROSTVAC in Combination with Nivolumab in Men with Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
16-C-0171Phase I/II Study of Lenalidomide Combined with Modified DA-EPOCH and Rituximab (EPOCH-R2) in Primary Effusion Lymphoma or KSHV-Associated Large Cell LymphomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0154A Phase I/II Trial of T Cell Receptor Gene Therapy Targeting HPV-16 E7 for HPV-Associated CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
16-C-0151Evaluation of the Natural History of and Specimen Banking for Patients with Tumors of the Central Nervous SystemNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0138Collection of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) from Healthy Subjects for the Expansion of T Cells for Adoptive Cell TherapyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
16-C-0135A Pilot Study of Combined Immune Checkpoint Inhibition in combination with Ablative Therapies in Subjects with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) or Biliary Tract Carcinomas (BTC)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0131A Phase I/II Study Administering Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Transduced with a CD70-Binding Chimeric Antigen Receptor to Patients with CD70-Expressing CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-72 YearsNCI
16-C-0128A Phase I/II Study of Mesothelin-Targeted Immunotoxin LMB-100 Alone or in Combination with Nab-Paclitaxel in Participants with Previously Treated Metastatic and/ or Locally Advanced Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Mesothelin Expressing Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0121A Pilot Clinical Trial of Genomic Based Assignment of Therapy in Advanced Urothelial CarcinomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0107A Phase I/II Trial of EP0057, a Nanoparticle Camptothecin with Olaparib in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Small Cell Lung, Bladder and Prostate CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0097Phase 1 Trial of Panobinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine GliomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-21 YearsNCI
16-C-0094A Phase 1/2 Study of Baricitinib, a JAK1/2 Inhibitor, in Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease (cGVHD) after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0092A Pilot Study of Local Ablative Therapy for Treatment of Oligoprogressive, EGFR-mutated, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) After Treatment with Osimertinib (AZD9291, Tagrisso)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0088A Randomized Phase II/III Study of the Combination of Cediranib and Olaparib Compared to Cediranib or Olaparib Alone, or Standard of Care Chemotherapy in Women with Recurrent Platinum-Resistant or -Refractory Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, or Primary PeritoneaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0087Phase I Study of Veliparib (ABT-888), an Oral PARP Inhibitor, and VX-970, an ATR Inhibitor in Combination with Cisplatin in Patients with Refractory Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0081A Phase I Dose Escalation Trial of Re-Irradiation in Good Prognosis Recurrent GlioblastomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0076Prospective Screening for Patient Specific Genotypes and Phenotypes that Influence Drug Dosing and Trial Selection in Cancer PatientsEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0073A Phase 2 Study of Olaparib and Cediranib for the Treatment of Recurrent Ovarian CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0061Biospecimen Procurement for Center for Immuno-Oncology Immunotherapy ProtocolsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
16-C-0060A Phase 1b/2 Study of alvelestat (MPH966), an Oral Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitor, in Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantationParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0048Docetaxel and Prostvac for Metastatic Castration Sensitive Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0047A Phase 1 Trial of Pomalidomide in Combination with Liposomal Doxorubicin in Patients with Advanced or Refractory Kaposi SarcomaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0043Phase II Trial of the MEK1/2 Inhibitor Selumetinib (AZD6244 Hydrogen Sulfate in Adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) and Inoperable Plexiform NeurofibromasNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0035Prostvac in Patients with Biochemically Recurrent Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0034A Phase II Trial of Oral Pazopanib plus Oral Topotecan Metronomic Antiangiogenic Therapy for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (A) without Prior Bevacizumab Exposure and (B) after Failing Prior BevacizumabCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0027A Prospective Randomized and Phase II Trial for Metastatic Melanoma Using Adoptive Cell Therapy with Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Plus IL-2 Either Alone or Following the Administration of PembrolizumabClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended18-70 YearsNCI
16-C-0011A Phase I-II Trial of Everolimus and Sorafenib in Patients with Recurrent High-Grade GliomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0010Care of the Prostate Cancer Patient and Prospective Procurement of Prostate Cancer TissueParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0009Phase II trial of Carboplatin and Bevacizumab for the Treatment of Recurrent Low-grade and Anaplastic Supratentorial, Infratentorial and Spinal Cord Ependymoma in Adults: A Multi- Center TrialCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
16-C-0003Pilot Trial of Allogeneic Blood or Marrow Transplantation for Primary ImmunodeficienciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled4-75 YearsNCI
15-C-0200Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice (MATCH) (EAY131)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0195Development and Validation of Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures for Individuals with Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) and Plexiform Neurofibromas (pNFs)Participants currently recruited/enrolled5-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0160A Phase I Study of Cabozantinib Plus Nivolumab (CaboNivo) Alone or in Combination with Ipilimumab (CaboNivoIpi) in Patients with Advanced/Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma and other Genitourinary TumorsNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-99 YearsNCI
15-C-0157Phase I/II Trial of Vandetanib in Combination with Metformin in Subjects with HLRCC or SDH-Associated Kidney Cancer or Sporadic Papillary Renal Cell CarcinomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0150A Phase I/II Trial of Topotecan with VX-970 (M6620), an ATR Kinase Inhibitor in Small Cell CancersNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0145Phase I/II Study of the Anti-Programmed Death Ligand-1 Antibody Durvalumab (MEDI4736) in Combination with Olaparib and/or Cediranib for Advanced Solid Tumors and Advanced or Recurrent Ovarian, Triple Negative Breast, Lung, Prostate and Colorectal CancersNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0142Acceptance and Commitment Training for Adolescents and Adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Plexiform Neurofibromas, and Chronic Pain: A Phase III Clinical TrialCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing16-59 YearsNCI
15-C-0141Gene Therapy Follow up Protocol for Subjects Previously Enrolled in CAR T-Cell StudiesEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0116Phase I Trial of 4'-thio-2'-deoxycytidine (TdCyd) in Patients With Advanced Solid TumorsClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended18-120 YearsNCI
15-C-0099A Phase 1, Open-Label, Dose-Escalation Study of SNX-5422 and Everolimus in Subjects with Neuroendocrine TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-100 YearsNCI
15-C-0093Phase I Trial of TURALIO (pexidartinib, PLX3397) in Children and Young Adults with Refractory Leukemias and Refractory Solid Tumors Including Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Associated Plexiform Neurofibromas (PN) and Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor (TGCTParticipants currently recruited/enrolled3-35 YearsNCI
15-C-0087Care of the Urothelial Cancer Patient and Prospective Collection of Biospecimens from Healthy Volunteers and Urothelial Cancer PatientsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0086Phase I Trial of the Combination of Nilotinib and Paclitaxel in Adults and Pediatric Patients with Refractory Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled12-120 YearsNCI
15-C-0078Safety and Feasibility of Stem Cell Gene Transfer Following R-EPOCH for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in AIDS Patients Using Peripheral Blood Stem/Progenitor Cells Treated with a Lentivirus Vector-Encoding Multiple Anti-HIV RNAsNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-65 YearsNCI
15-C-0076A Pilot Study of Long Term TARP Vaccination Using A Multi-Epitope TARP Peptide Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Previously Vaccinated Men on NCI 09-C-0139Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0075A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase II Study of Multi-Epitope TARP Peptide Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Men with Stage D0 Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0067A Phase I/II Open Label, Dose Escalation Study of Palifermin (Kepivance) in Persons Undergoing Unrelated Donor Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell TransplantationNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
15-C-0029Phase I Dose Escalation Study of Anti-CD22 Chimeric Receptor T Cells in Pediatric and Young Adults with Recurrent or Refractory CD22-expressing B Cell MalignanciesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing3-39 YearsNCI
15-C-0028Follow-Up Evaluation for Gene-Therapy Related Delayed Adverse Events After Participation in Pediatric Oncology Branch Clinical TrialsEnrolling by Invitation1-99 YearsNCI
15-C-0019The Impact of Ras/MAPK Signaling Pathway-Targeted Therapies on Neurocognitive Functioning in Individuals with NF1Completed Study; data analyses ongoing4-99 YearsNCI
14-C-0163Transformation of Plexiform Neurofibromas to Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Clinical, Histopathologic, and Genomic AnalysisCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing10-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0161Phase I Trial of the Combination of Bortezomib and Clofarabine in Adults with Refractory Solid Tumors, Lymphomas, or Myelodysplastic SyndromesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
14-C-0157Phase 1 Study of Ibrutinib and Immuno-Chemotherapy Using Temozolomide, Etoposide, Doxil, Dexamethasone, Ibrutinib, Rituximab (TEDDI-R) in Primary CNS LymphomaClinical hold/Recruitment or enrollment suspended18-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0156A Phase II Single Arm Pilot Study of the Chk1/2 Inhibitor (LY2606368) In BRCA1/2 Mutation Associated Breast or Ovarian Cancer, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, and High Grade Serous Ovarian CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0128Collection of Pharmacokinetic and Probe Substrate Samples from Participants with Unanticipated Response, Significant Toxicity or Concern of Future ToxicityEnrolling by Invitation2-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0116A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating an Enhanced Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Cognitive Late Effects in Children Treated with Cranial Radiation for Brain TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing8-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0105Tissue Procurement and Natural History Study of Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer, Extrapulmonary Small Cell Cancer, Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumors, and Thymic Epithelial TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0104A Phase II Study Using Autologous Young Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Derived from Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Following Non-Myeloablative Lymphocyte Depleting Preparative RegimenParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-72 YearsNCI
14-C-0079An Exploratory Study of Voicing My CHOiCES as a Tool for Advanced Care Planning in Young Adults with Cancer and Other Chronic IllnessesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0037A Phase 2 Study of the MET Kinase Inhibitor INC280 in Papillary Renal Cell CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0036A Randomized, Prospective, Phase II Study to Determine the Efficacy of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Given in Combination with PANVAC[TM] Versus BCG Given Alone in Adults with High Grade Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) Who Failed at Least 1 ICompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0004A Multicenter Phase 2 Study of the Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor PCI-32765 (Ibrutinib) for Treatment of Relapsed Hairy Cell LeukemiaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
14-C-0001Phase II Study of Axitinib (AG-013736) with Evaluation of the VEGF-pathway in Metastatic, Recurrent or Primary Unresectable Pheochromocytoma/ParagangliomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
13-C-0202Tissue Procurement and Natural History Study of Patients with Malignant Mesothelioma and Other Mesothelin Expressing CancersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
13-C-0176Tumor, Normal Tissue and Specimens from Patients Undergoing Evaluation or Surgical Resection of Solid TumorsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
13-C-0153A Phase II Trial of Enzalutamide in Combination with PSA-TRICOM in Patients with Non-Metastatic Castration Sensitive Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
13-C-0152A Phase I Study of Autologous Activated Natural Killer (NK) Cells +/- rhIL15 in Children and Young Adults with Refractory Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-29 YearsNCI
13-C-0146A Randomized Phase II Trial Combining Vaccine Therapy with PROSTVAC /TRICOM and Enzalutamide vs. Enzalutamide Alone in Men with Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
13-C-0132Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Patients with Mutations in GATA2 or the MonoMAC SyndromeParticipants currently recruited/enrolled8-70 YearsNCI
13-C-0131Inpatient Hospice with Procurement of Tissue on Expiration in Thoracic Malignancies, Bladder Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Epithelial Cancer and Patients Treated with an Adoptive Cellular TherapyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-120 YearsNCI
13-C-0119Evaluation of Local Response of Prostate Cancer to Irradiation Using Multiparametric MRI and MR-Guided BiopsiesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
13-C-0118TRC102 and Temozolomide for Relapsed Solid Tumors and LymphomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
13-C-0105Molecular Profiling-based Assignment of Cancer Therapy for Patients With Advanced Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
13-C-0095A Phase 2 Study of GI-6207 in Patients with Recurrent Medullary Thyroid CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0205A Phase II Study of Cabozantinib (XL184) in Patients With Advanced/Metastatic Urothelial CarcinomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0197A Randomized Phase 2 Single-Center Study of Pomalidomide for Chronic GvHDCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-75 YearsNCI
12-C-0193Lymphoid Malignancies and Precursors: Tissue Acquisition ProtocolParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0178Longitudinal Assessment and Natural History Study of Children and Adults with MEN2A or MEN2B with or without Medullary Thyroid CarcinomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0118A Phase II Study of Sunitinib in Patients with Advanced Relapsed or Refractory Thymoma or Thymic Carcinoma with at Least One Prior Line of Platinum-Based Systemic ChemotherapyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-100 YearsNCI
12-C-0107Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone in High-Risk Smoldering Multiple Myeloma: a Clinical and Correlative Pilot StudyNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0081Phase I/II Study of Cediranib and Olaparib in Combination for Treatment of Recurrent Papillary-Serous Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, or Peritoneal Cancer or for Treatment of Recurrent Triple-Negative Breast CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0079A Phase II Multicenter Study of AMG 386 and Abiraterone in Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0068A Randomized Double-Blind Pilot Study of Topical Clobetasol 0.05% Oral rinse for Oral Chronic Graft-Versus-Host DiseaseCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing12-125 YearsNCI
12-C-0066Phase I Trial of Oral 5-Fluoro-2'-Deoxycytidine with Oral Tetrahydrouridine in Patients with Advanced Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0255Clinical, Epidemiologic, and Genetic Studies of Li-Fraumeni SyndromeParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0247A Randomized Phase II Study of Tecemotide in Combination with Standard Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Radiation Therapy for untreated, intermediate and High Risk Prostate Cancer PatientsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-100 YearsNCI
11-C-0242Collection of Blood from Patients with Cancer, Other Tumors, or Tumor Predisposition Syndromes for Analysis of Genetic Differences in Drug DispositionParticipants currently recruited/enrolled3-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0220Natural History Study of the KSHV Inflammatory Cytokine Syndrome (KICS)Participants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0200A Phase II Trial In Which Patients With Metastatic Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma Are Randomized to Either Sunitinib or Cediranib Monotherapy, with Cross-Over at Disease ProgressionNo longer recruiting/follow-up only16-120 YearsNCI
11-C-0161A Phase I/II Study of the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase (MEK) 1 Inhibitor Selumetinib (AZD6244; Hydrogen Sulfate in Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) and Inoperable Plexiform Neurofibromas (PN)No longer recruiting/follow-up only2-18 YearsNCI
11-C-0140A Phase I Study of Gemcitabine, Carboplatin and Lenalidomide (GCL) for Treatment of Patients with Advanced/Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (UC) and Other Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0136Multi-Institutional Prospective Pilot Study of Lupron to Enhance Lymphocyte Immune Reconstitution Following Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation in Post-Pubertal Children and Adults with Molecular Imaging EvaluationCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing2-120 YearsNCI
11-C-0132Understanding the Psychosocial Needs of Parents Who Have Lost a Child to CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-99 YearsNCI
11-C-0123A Prospective Randomized Study of Cell Transfer Therapy for Metastatic Melanoma Using Short-Term Cultured Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Plus IL-2 Following Either a Non-Myeloablative Lymphocyte Depleting Chemotherapy Regimen Alone or in Conjunction withNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-66 YearsNCI
11-C-0112Acquisition of Blood and Tumor Tissue Samples from Patients with Gastrointestinal CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0096Pilot Trial of Molecular Profiling and Targeted Therapy for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Thymic MalignanciesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0061Phase I Trial of Z-Endoxifen in Adults with Refractory Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer, Desmoid Tumors, Gynecologic Tumors, or other Hormone Receptor-Positive Solid TumorsNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-120 YearsNCI
11-C-0034DICER1-Related Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Cancer Predisposition Syndrome: A Natural History StudyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
11-C-0033Extended Follow-up of High Ovarian Cancer Risk Cohort from 02C0268 (GOG-199)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-100 YearsNCI
10-C-0201Apheresis and CD34+ Selection of Mobilized Peripheral Blood CD34+ Cells from Patients with DOCK8 Deficiency, LAD-1, and GATA2 DeficiencyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-40 YearsNCI
10-C-0174Related and Unrelated Donor Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for DOCK8 DeficiencyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled4-120 YearsNCI
10-C-0166A Phase II Study Using Short-Term Cultured, Autologous Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Following a Lymphodepleting Regimen in Metastatic Cancers Plus the Administration of PembrolizumabParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-72 YearsNCI
10-C-0114A Phase II Study of Bevacizumab and Erlotinib in Subjects with Advanced Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer (HLRCC) or Sporadic Papillary Renal Cell CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
10-C-0086Comprehensive Omics Analysis of Pediatric Solid Tumors and Establishment of a Repository for Related Biological StudiesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
10-C-0066A Study of Hairy Cell and other Leukemias with a Focus on Recombinant Immunotoxins for Cancer TreatmentParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
10-C-0056A Phase I Study of Indenoisoquinolines LMP400 and LMP776 in Adults With Relapsed Solid Tumors and LymphomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
10-C-0054Administration of Anti-CD19-Chimeric-Antigen-Receptor-Transduced T Cells from the Original Transplant Donor to Patients with Recurrent or Persistent B-Cell Malignancies After Allogeneic Stem Cell TransplantationCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-75 YearsNCI
10-C-0025Randomized Phase II Trial of Rituximab with Either Pentostatin or Bendamustine for Multiply Relapsed or Refractory Hairy Cell LeukemiaNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
10-C-0011Phase II Trial of Alemtuzumab (Campath) and Dose-Adjusted EPOCH-Rituximab (DA-EPOCH-R) in Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell and Hodgkin LymphomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
09-C-0242Prospective Comprehensive Molecular Analysis of Endocrine NeoplasmsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled4-125 YearsNCI
09-C-0161Follow-Up Protocol for Subjects Previously Enrolled on NCI Surgery Branch StudiesEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
09-C-0120An Exploratory Evaluation of Biomarkers in Blister Fluid in Healthy Volunteers and Irradiated SkinCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
09-C-0100A Pilot Study of High Dose Rate Brachytherapy in The Radiation Oncology BranchNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
09-C-0053Autologous and Related/Unrelated Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapies Data Submission and Research Sample Collection to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) and the National Marrow DonEnrolling by Invitation1-125 YearsNCI
09-C-0024A Phase I Study of Quadrivalent Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Recombinant Vaccine in HIV-Infected and HIV-Negative Pre-Adolescents, Adolescents and Young AdultsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing12-26 YearsNCI
09-C-0019A Phase I Study of Dasatinib in Combination with Bevacizumab in Advanced Solid TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
09-C-0005Randomized Trial of Cladribine (CdA) with Simultaneous or Delayed Rituximab to Eliminate Hairy Cell Leukemia Minimal Residual DiseaseNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
08-C-0214A Pilot Study to Evaluate Neuropsychological Outcome Measures and their Relationship with Prognosis in Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy for Brain MetastasesCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
08-C-0130A Phase II Trial of Peginterferon alfa-2b (PEG-Intron) for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Related Unresectable, Symptomatic or Life-Threatening Plexiform NeurofibromasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing0-21 YearsNCI
08-C-0079Natural History Study and Longitudinal Assessment of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1No longer recruiting/follow-up only0-125 YearsNCI
08-C-0020A Phase II Study of ZD6474 (Vandetanib) in Patients with Von Hippel Lindau Disease and Renal TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-120 YearsNCI
07-C-0195Phase II Trial of Targeted Immune-Depleting Chemotherapy and Reduced-Intensity Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Using 8/8 and 7/8 HLA-matched Unrelated Donors and Utilizing Two Graft-versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis Regimens for the TreaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-74 YearsNCI
07-C-0121Phase 2 Study of the C-Met RTK Inhibitor Foretinib (Formerly GSK 1363089) in Subjects with Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma (PRC)Completed Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
07-C-0100Collection of Blood from Patients with Prostate CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
06-C-0219An Exploratory Study of Biologic and Pathophysiologic Effects of Radiation Therapy in Pediatric Patients with Central Nervous System TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing0-21 YearsNCI
06-C-0213Tissue Procurement Protocol for the Developmental Therapeutics Clinic, National Cancer Institute (NCI)Participants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
06-C-0134Natural History and Biology of Dermal Neurofibromas in Neurofibromatosis Type 1Completed Study; data analyses ongoing20-99 YearsNCI
06-C-0014Prospective Evaluation of Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in Patients with Thoracic MalignanciesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
05-C-0252Phase III Randomized Study of R-CHOP v. Dose-Adjusted EPOCH-R with Molecular Profiling in Untreated de Novo Diffuse Large B-Cell LymphomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
05-C-0152Variation in Gene Expression in Neurofibromatosis Type 1Completed Study; data analyses ongoing2-100 YearsNCI
04-C-0281Natural History Study of Clinical and Biological Factors Determining Outcomes in Chronic Graft-Versus-Host DiseaseParticipants currently recruited/enrolled1-125 YearsNCI
04-C-0275Targeted Oncolytic Virotherapy and Natural History Study of KSHV-Associated Multicentric Castleman's Disease with Laboratory and Clinical Correlates of Disease ActivityNo longer recruiting/follow-up only18-125 YearsNCI
04-C-0274Follow-Up Study of Subjects Previously Enrolled in Immunotherapy Studies Utilizing Gene Transfer or Other Immunotherapeutic AgentsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
04-C-0238A Phase 2 Study of 17-Allylamino-17-Demethoxygeldanamycin in Patients with Von Hippel Lindau Disease and Renal TumorsCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
04-C-0232A Multi-Institutional Study of Proteomic Evaluation of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Primary Peritoneal Cancer, and Fallopian Tube Cancer Patients in First Clinical Remission: Development of a Protein Fingerprint Profile of RelapseCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
04-C-0200Urinary and Serum VEGF and MMP Levels in Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy for Glioblastoma Multiforme: Prospective Determination of a Predictive Value for RecurrenceParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
04-C-0165Data Collection, Clinical Care and Interventions in CCR, NCIEnrolling by Invitation0-120 YearsNCI
04-C-0102Hematologic Malignancy Biology StudyEnrolling by Invitation1-75 YearsNCI
03-C-0277Cell Harvest and Preparation for Surgery Branch Treatment ProtocolsEnrolling by Invitation18-125 YearsNCI
03-C-0066Hereditary Leiomyomatosis Renal Cell Cancer (HLRCC): Identification of the Disease Gene, and Characterization of the Predisposition to Renal CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
02-C-0268Prospective Study of Prophylactic Salpingo-Oophorectomy and Longitudinal CA-125 Screening Among Women at Increased Genetic Risk of Ovarian CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing19-100 YearsNCI
02-C-0212Clinical, Genetic, Behavioral, Laboratory and Epidemiologic Characterization of Individuals and Families at High Risk of Breast/Ovarian CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-100 YearsNCI
02-C-0211Clinical, Laboratory, and Epidemiologic Characterization of Individuals and Families at High Risk of MelanomaParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-125 YearsNCI
02-C-0210Clinical, Laboratory, and Epidemiologic Characterization of Individuals and Families at High Risk of Blood and Lymph Node MalignancyNo longer recruiting/follow-up only0-125 YearsNCI
02-C-0179Biospecimen Acquisition from Human SubjectsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
02-C-0178Multidisciplinary Etiologic Study of Familial Testicular CancerCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing12-77 YearsNCI
02-C-0159Birt-Hogg-Dub(SqrRoot)(Copyright) Syndrome: Characterization of the FLCN Disease Gene and Predisposition to Renal Cancer, Cutaneous Fibrofolliculoma and Pulmonary CystsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
02-C-0064Collection of Peripheral Blood and/or Urine From Patients Undergoing Radiation TherapyEnrolling by Invitation18-120 YearsNCI
02-C-0052Etiologic Investigation of Cancer Susceptibility in Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes: A Natural History StudyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled0-100 YearsNCI
01-C-0129Eligibility Screening for the NIH Intramural Research Program Clinical ProtocolsNo longer recruiting/follow-up only0-125 YearsNCI
01-C-0038Collection of Blood, Bone Marrow, Tumor, or Tissue Samples from Patients with HIV Infection, KSHV Infection, Viral-Related Pre-Malignant Lesions, and/or CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
01-C-0030Short-Course EPOCH - Rituximab in Untreated CD-20+ HIV-Associated LymphomasCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-125 YearsNCI
01-C-0009Breast Imaging Screening Studies in Women at High Genetic Risk of Breast Cancer: Annual Follow-up StudyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing18-100 YearsNCI
00-C-0074Evaluation of Late Effects and Natural History of Disease in Patients Treated with RadiotherapyParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
99-C-0128Evaluation for NCI Surgery Branch Clinical Research ProtocolsParticipants currently recruited/enrolled18-125 YearsNCI
99-C-0099Examination of Clinical and Laboratory Abnormalities in Patients with Defective DNA Repair: Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Cockayne Syndrome, or TrichothiodystrophyCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing0-100 YearsNCI
97-C-0147Collection of Serum and Tissue Samples from Patients with Biopsy-Proved or Suspected Malignant DiseasesParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
94-C-0074Treatment and Natural History Study of Lymphomatoid GranulomatosisCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing12-125 YearsNCI
93-C-0133Dose-Adjusted EPOCH Chemotherapy and Rituximab (CD20+) in Adults and Children with Previously Untreated Patients with Aggressive Non-Hodgkin's LymphomaCompleted Study; data analyses ongoing12-125 YearsNCI
89-C-0086Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL): Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, Management and Molecular Bases of Inherited Renal and Other Urologic Malignant DisordersParticipants currently recruited/enrolled2-125 YearsNCI
83-C-0022Psychological Benefits of a Normalized Camping Experience for Children with CancerParticipants currently recruited/enrolled7-25 YearsNCI
78-C-0039Clinical, Laboratory, and Epidemiologic Characterization of Individuals and Families at High Risk of CancerNo longer recruiting/follow-up only0-125 YearsNCI